David Cosandey
The Secret of the West

–Before 2020: article in Comparative Civilizations Review, the journal of the International Society for the Comparative Study of Civilizations (ISCSC).

–Dec 2003: 160p-book La Faillite Coupable des Retraites, L'Harmattan, Paris, isbn: 2-7475-5595-X.

–May 2002: a 5p-chapter in Gabriele Losa et al.: Fractals in Biology and Medicine, Volume III, Birkhauser Press, Basle, Switzerland, 2002, 368p, isbn 3-7643-6474-2, p.319-324. (Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Fractals, Fractals 2000 in Biology and Medicine.)

–March 2001: 4p-article "Les causes du succès scientifique de l'Occident" in Sciences, the quarterly journal of the French association for the advancement of sciences (AFAS).

–January 1999: 80p-book L'Europe et la Science, Actes Sud/CEC, Arles (France)/Geneva (Switzerland), isbn 2-7427-1979-2.

–July 1998: 10p-article "Pourquoi l'Europe dominait hier – et ce qui l'attend demain" in the bimonthly magazine Le Temps Stratégique, Geneva, no82, p.70-80.

–May 1998: 7p-article "L'évolution divergente des sciences et des techniques sur les deux rives de la Méditerranée: les leçons de l'histoire" (in coll. with J. Brasseul), ATM/CRERI meeting, Bendor island, Bandol (France), published in the journal Région et Développement, no8, 1998, p.193-199.

–October 1997: 470p-book Le Secret de l'Occident, Arléa, Paris, isbn 2869593368.