David Cosandey
Conferences Agenda
04 Sept 2008: Speech at the Cerisy workshop Histoires universelles et philosophies de l'histoire,
21 March 2002: Radio debate recorded for Radio Courtoisie, Paris, France, with Lidvine Helly, Pierre Gallois, Jean-François Tascheau. Broadcast later.
12 Dec 2001: Radio debate on France Culture, Paris, France during the emission "La Suite dans les Idées" with Julie Clarini, Michel Bley, Gérard Simon, Laurence Esterle (12:4513:30).
31 May 2001: talk in Newark, United States at the 30th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Comparative Study of Civilizations (ISCSC) at State University of New Jersey (30 May-03 Jun 01).
30 Sep 2000: conference in Paris, France, for the French Association for the Advancement of Science (AFAS), at Palais de la Découverte, Paris, France.
08 Jul 2000: interactive
conference in Freiburg, Germany, about the European miracle at the 2nd biennial Assembly of Euroscience, in Freiburg-im-Breisgau, Germany, 6-8 July 2000.
17 Jun 2000: talk at the ESCA (Ecole supérieure de cadres pour l'économie et l'administration), in Lausanne, Switzerland.
09 May 2000: talk in Lausanne, Switzerland, at University of Lausanne, in front of postgraduate students in economy and geography.
11 Mar 2000:
talk in Ascona, Switzerland , at the Third international symposium on fractals, "Fractals 2000 in Biology and Medicine", in Ascona, Switzerland (8-11 Mar 00).
31 Jan 2000: talk in Locarno, Switzerland, at the Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies.
Dec 1999: telephone interview with World Radio Geneva (WRG) in Geneva, Switzerland, broadcast a week later.
15 Sep 1999: conference in Geneva, Switzerland, for Euroscience, European Association for the Advancement of Science, organized at CEC (Centre Européen de la Culture), in Geneva.
17 May 1999: talk at the ESCA (Ecole supérieure de cadres pour l'économie et l'administration), in Lausanne.
29 May 1998: speech in Bandol, France, at the ATM/CRERI encounter "Europe-Méditerranée: vers quel développement?" (Paper).
28 Apr 1998: talk at University of Lausanne, in front of postgraduate students in economy and geography.