

Nicholas Purcell (Univ d'Oxford) citant en octobre 2019 mon livre Le Secret de l'Occident (2007) dans l'ouvrage collectif La Mer illimitée. Purcell a fait cette citation dans le chapitre 10, "Tide, Beach, and Backwash". Ce chapitre avait déjà été publié une première fois en avril 2013 comme chapitre 3 du livre collectif La Mer, thalassographie et historiographie.
N.Purcell propose dans ce texte une définition alternative du terme "thalassographie", plus proche d'"océanographie", alors que j'avais introduit ce terme en 1997 dans un sens plus proche de "littorographie".

(Peregrine Horden, Nicholas Purcell (editors): The Boundless Sea: Writing Mediterranean History, Variorum Collected Studies, Routledge, 03 octobre 2019, 240 pages, ISBN: 9780367221263, chapitre 10 "Tide, Beach, and Backwash: The Place of Maritime Histories"
Ce chapitre 10 est une réédition du chapitre 3 "Tide, Beach, and Backwash: The Place of Maritime Histories" (pp.84-108) de l'ouvrage:
Peter N Miller (editor): The Sea. Thalassography and Historiography, Univ of Michigan Press, 16 avril 2013, 293 pages)

Copie de sûreté de la version internet: avril 2021. Source 1 (The Boundless Sea).
Source 2 (The Sea, Thalassography and Historiography).
Théorie de la Science



                  The Place of Maritime Histories

Haec medium terries circumdat linea pontum / atque his undarum
tractum constringit harenis.

(This line, of coastwise journeying, circumscribes the sea in the
heart of the lands, shutting the expanse of the waves with its
beaches. (1)

1. Introductory

The aim of this chapter is precisely that of the gathering at which
its oral precursor was read: to investigate the nature and potential
of “the new thalassography” as a scholarly initiative, while it is
indeed still relatively new. “Thalassography” has hitherto been a
maritime mirroring of geography, in that word’s more literal meaning
of the description of the land – a more local subdivision of oceano-
graphy. That more technical usage has become a little more familiar
over the last years as a keyword in a geographically deterministic
Grand Theory (2).

Rather, just as “geography” long ago escaped from disciplinary boun-
daries and became notable for being a hard-to-classify crossover zone
of methods from many pats of the sciences and the humanities, so
“thalassography” too has recently come to seem suitable vehicle for
the fertile intermingling of scholarly traditions (3). It is a stimulatingly
versatile idea, which it would be perverse to attempt to claim for any
one tradition, but this paper relates primarily to its historical mani-
festation. It offers a number of particular enticements to the historian
who is concerned with how more local histories engage with the history
of everything, universal history, “histoire à très grande échelle”,
not least because of its emphasis on the integration of history with
its neighboring disciplines.(4)


1 Manilius, Astronomica 4.628.
2 D. Cosandey, Le secret de l'Occident: vers une théorie générale
du progrés scientifique (Flammarion 2007).
3 E.Peters used the term “thalassology” of CS in “Quid nobis cum pelago?
The New Thalassology and the Economic History of Europe, Journal of
Interdisciplianry History, 34 (2003), 49-61, providing a cue for the
title of our the Mediterrananean and the “New Thalassology”, this volume.
The need to differentiate the new frame from Cosandey’s work might
recommend this label over “Thalassography”, but the precise name of
itself matters little.

About the Authors:

Peregrine Horden is Professor of Medieval History at Royal Holloway, University of London, and an Extraordinary Research Fellow

of All Souls College, Oxford. He co-edited with Sharon Kinoshita A Companion to Mediterranean History (2014).
Nicholas Purcell is Camden Professor of Ancient History in the University of Oxford and Fellow of Brasenose College. He is co-author, with
P.Horden, of the preceding book The Corrupting Sea (2000). He has also written on the social and economic history of Rome and Italy.

Créé: 14 avr 2021 – Terminé: 17 avr 2021